Thursday, March 4, 2010

Areas of Social Needs

The areas of social needs that I am interested in are -


I think education is important for children, in order for them to grow up to be respectable, responsible adults. I am not sure if not being able to receive a basic education is a problem in America. I know that in several third world countries it is an issue, and I have worked with an organization that is working towards the betterment of this cause. If this is an issue in North America, it is something I would like to look into, because it definitely is something I feel strongly about.

Sex Education

I think providing sex education in high schools is very important, since statistics show that almost half of the teenage population starts having sexual intercourse before or at the age of 17. Almost one million young women, under age 20, become pregnant each year in the USA. That means close to 2800 teens get pregnant every single day! I think teenagers should be taught about safe sex, and about their options if an unplanned pregnancy does occur. Abortion should be an available alternative, and shouldn’t be looked at as a taboo.

Day Cares

Following on with the teenage pregnancy statement, I think that if teenage girls to continue with their pregnancies, they should not drop out of high school. They should be provided with extra help, so that they can earn at least a high school diploma.

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