Thursday, March 4, 2010

Response to Readings

Teaching Multinational, Multidisciplinary Sustainable Product Development - By Alice M. Agogino

Article - Designing Sustainability

The Design for Sustainability course was really great for two reasons other than the lessons learned from it. Firstly, I loved that students from an American University (UC Berkeley) collaborated with students from a Mexican University (UNAM). This allows people from different backgrounds, upbringings, and social understandings to work together. The other thing really great about this course is that after the three semester product development program, students are guided through how to implement their solutions to the market. It is wonderful that this not only educates the students, but also helps them start their business, which helps them, and helps the society.

Metrics for Measuring Ideation Effectiveness - By Jami J. Shah and Noe Vargas-Hernandez

Article - Metrics for Measuring Ideation Effectiveness

This article was a little harder to read and understand. However, it was trying to explain how design products should be evaluated effectively. The most effective measure to evaluate design is by looking at novelty, variety, quality and quantity of the products. The idea of combining ‘ideation’ and ‘novelty’ to create the perfect products.

Creativity as a Design Criterion - By Henri H.C.M Christiaans

Article - Creativity as a Design Criterion

I do agree with this articles core points about art and design being subjective. When judging creativity, the judgment is often not reliable or valid, and the several experiments illustrated in the articles prove that. However, I do think that design can be judged to a certain extent. The objectivity in design that can be judged comes from the functionality and technical quality of the design.

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